TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Follow-up with shifting issues.
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Subject Follow-up with shifting issues.
Posted by Tanley on August 16, 2015 at 9:08 AM
  This message has been viewed 306 times.
Message So 3 years ago I had some clunking, notchy shifting and grinding in second gear. Here is a link to the original post:

I drove it for a year dealing with the issue by babying it through second gear, assuming it might be a synchro going out and I would confirm/diagnose it when I took the car off the road to deal with other pending maintenance issues.

Fast forward to August that same year and the clutch goes out. Found out later that a piece of the pressure plate back plate snapped off and lodged itself between the pressure plate diaphragm spring and the back plate, preventing the clutch from disengaging.

Fast forward two more years and I have taken care of all of the mechanical issues and maintenance every 100,000 mile plus Z needs these days and got it back on the road. No more shifting issues in second and shifts very smoothly in all gears.

So what was the culprit? I can only speculate that it was possibly air in the clutch line or a clutch master cylinder that was on its way out.

Here is what I replaced due to age/in need of repair:

Transmission mount, clutch (obviously), installed a steel braided clutch line, chromoly pivot ball, HD clutch fork, clutch slave cylinder (preventative) clutch master cylinder (shot), Royal Purple gear oil, flushed/bled the clutch line, installed a ZSpeed shifter bracket and adjusted the clutch pedal.

Well duh of course it shifts smoothly you've replaced every part of the clutch actuating system. Probably what you are thinking after reading this and you would be correct. The point I wanted to make is that the clutch system is a relatively simple system. However each component must be in good working order, properly adjusted and the system free of air to work correctly.

So if you are having issues with grinding, clunking, etc. Don't assume that you have internal transmission issues before properly diagnosing the clutch system.

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